Recent content by H@d3s_uNderWorLd

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  1. H

    Pimp my Ram

    Rims and wheels is my top priority just to make my Ram EV juicy if you know what I mean. if its possible to put sunroof then why not haha
  2. H

    HEMI Ram 1500 EV?

    They thought that they could persuade us with these types of gimmicks, but to everyone who isn't that knowledgeable about vehicles; please don't get tricked by these "features" It's not worth it. For all car brands, stop enticing your clients with these gimmicks, give them features that are...
  3. H

    Ram EV has a built-in gas generator?

    Well you are correct that it is a hybrid but it is a plug-in hybrid. Hybrid vehicles rely more on its gasoline engine whereas the plug-in hybrid can be charged using the electrical outlet. This means that you can charge your car overnight and finish your daily chores without using any gas at...
  4. H

    Driving EV in winter

    There are a few tips that helped me during the winter, I use eco mode when driving because it improves the range of my EV. You also need to check your tires if they have the right pressure and tread depth. The most important tip of all is always make sure that your EV is fully charged. to avoid...
  5. H


    Welcome to the club! feel free to ask questions or share exciting news about the RAM 1500 EV. hope you have a good time dude
  6. H

    A2-speed gearbox for electric trucks?

    hmmm, i wouldn't exactly say that its a gimmick or over-engineering, but it can be a pedestal in order for the future of off-road EVs will flourish. as long as it adds more value to the car, I'd gladly take it. the rise of EVs and the extended scope that they can cover, from off-road, sporty...
  7. H


    First off, how heavy is the camping trailer that you have? if you choose the Ram 1500EV you'll have about 350 miles of range and 14000 lbs of towing capacity, whereas if you choose the Ramcharger which is a hybrid, it will give you 690 miles of range with the same towing capacity of 14000 lbs...
  8. H

    What are you pulling with your Ram 1500 EV?

    Heavy-duty EVs are still under development... there are quite a few though, but I don't think it's a great replacement for diesel-powered trucks... Also, the range of EVs is not that solid compared to diesel-powered trucks. However, if they figure out how to make it more efficient without any...

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