Which one looks better: Ram ICE or Ram EV?

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Before you choose between the two, guess which one is the ICE and which one is the EV. Which body style do you prefer?

I cannot tell which is the ICE and which is the EV. I do prefer the blue one due to blue being my favorite color.
And after looking at the blue one more closely, I think it is probably the Ram EV version.
The blue one is clearly the electric one, it looks so cool. I dig the EV's looks, but I want the ICE one for speed and durability. But who knows, I might switch to the EV when it launches.
t he ICE Ram appeals to me because of its masculine appearance. I'm still on the fence about electric vehicles. Perhaps they haven't convinced me yet in terms of design and performance.
But I still prefer the Ram Ice body style, it has this alluring macho image that is a head-turner. Nonetheless, I still have some doubts about this EV's reliability.

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