Fan activates after installing a 180-deg thermostat

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West Virginia
Hi! I installed a 180-degree thermostat and removed most of the louvers on my 2019 Ram. But now the fan activates whenever I run at 185°F or while staying with the AC on max. Is there any cheap solution to configure the fan properly? Thanks!
The fan kicks on with the AC to help cool the condenser and keep everything running smoothly. Just wondering, what made you decide to make these changes?
The engine’s meant to run best between 205-210 degrees, so swapping in a 180 thermostat won’t really help unless you’ve got a custom tune. It might give you peace of mind, but it won’t improve performance or engine life—and it'll use more fuel.

If you want to control when the fans kick on, you’ll need a custom tune with an unlocked PCM or an aftermarket fan controller. Just keep in mind, this could trigger an engine light because of the e-fan circuit.

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